Is Aveeno Cruelty Free

Is Aveeno a Cruelty-Free Company?

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Aveeno is known for their unique approach to gently balanced skincare. The company is rooted in finding natural, holistic ingredients to provide healthy skincare solutions. Aveeno’s internal standard for ingredient safety testing “far exceeds those set by regulators around the world.”

A “cruelty-free” cosmetic company is one that does not conduct animal testing on its products. However, the term “cruelty-free” is not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration and is not a legal definition. While a cosmetic company may state it is cruelty-free, the fact many companies may conduct animal testing on cosmetic ingredients or have a third-party conduct animal testing on their behalf.

The Aveeno website states the company “doesn't conduct animal testing of our cosmetic products anywhere in the world, except in the rare situation where governments or laws require it.” Johnson & Johnson is the parent company for Aveeno, and its website also states that Johnson & Johnson does not conduct animal testing except “where the government or laws require it.”

Aveeno in China

Aveeno sells its skincare products in China, where animal testing is required for all cosmetic products sold in China but manufactured outside of China. Both Aveeno and its parent company Johnson & Johnson sell cosmetic products in China, and are therefore presumed to conduct animal testing on all products sold in China. While there are reports that China may be lifting some of these animal testing requirements, there has been no official change in Chinese law at this time.

The Verdict: Aveeno is NOT cruelty-free.

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8 months ago